
Vitamin K2-7

Original price was: $26.95.Current price is: $19.95.

How Vitamin K2-7 Conquers Stubborn Belly Fat? It might sound like Vitamin K2-7 is a magic diet pill, but it’s not. Instead, this key nutrient unlocks important hormones in your body that help manage fat mass and body weight…and even prevent weight gain.
A three-part study  showed that supplementing with vitamin K2-7 resulted in
  • Losing Weight
  • Reduced Body Mass index (BMI)
  • Decreased Abdominal Fat
  • Prevented Weight Gain
K2 metabolizes your calcium. It activates calcium binding proteins to direct it to your teeth and bones. A 2022 meta-analysis of 6,425 post-menopausal woman found the those who took K2 had a positive effect on bone mineralization and increased bone strength.  prove that K2 benefits your bones & teeth by directing the calcium, reducing your risk of osteoporosis.
It's tough to get enough K2-7. Only foods like goose liver and fermented soybeans contain it. Unless your taking the right K2-7 you’re probably not getting enough. You need to take it along with Vitamin K1, magnesium & naturally Fermented Menaquinon7.


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